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Immigration tips for 2023

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Start a new year and we want you to start in the right way, so in today’s section we give three migration recommendations that you must take into account to start your year in the best way.

As we mentioned last year, a new migration resolution came into force, which, determined several changes at the documentary and procedural level and by which the following recommendations will help you to comply fully with the changes.

1) Check the validity of your passport: This will help you not only if you leave the country but for the renewal of your Colombian visa. Keep in mind that it is now mandatory for any visa application that, the passport has at least 6 months of validity at the time of filing the application. Also, do not be surprised when buying tickets that your travel document is about to expire.

2) Remember to verify the validity of your visa: In the day to day you can forget abput the visa renewal date, however, it is vital to have this date very present, because in the case of Colombian visas currently renewals are taking up to 1 month to be approved, additionally, it is no longer advisable to use the safeguard to stay in the country if the visa expired, as it will no longer constitute proof of continuous permanence in Colombia and may affect your plans to obtain residence.

3) Know the opening hours of the Consulate of your country: Every year it is normal for the consulates to make the decision to change their opening hours so, we advise you to verify that changes will have by 2023 in case you require to make procedures such as passport change, document authentication, civil records, etc...

With these recommendations you can be calm/ and avoid unforeseen migration. We also suggest you follow us on our social networks (Instagram and Facebook: LARM_Colombia and Linked In: LARM Colombia) because there we share valuable information that you will surely need!

LARM, your home away from home!

Key words:

Recommendations, Visas, Migration, Companies, New Resolution, Regulations, Colombia, Support, Accompaniment, Allies, Colombia, Process, Global Mobility, Diversity, Projections, 2022, process, processing, Advisory, Colombian Nationality, Support, Accompaniment, Relocation, LARM.

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