The document that we know as RUT - Single Tax Registry - is becoming fashionable at this time when the calendar for taxes opens, but we must bear in mind that it is not only important for this, but is our identity card on tax issues since our information is registered.
The RUT is a mechanism administered by the DIAN (Direction of National Taxes and Customs), assigned to identify, locate and classify the function of individuals and entities within the tax system. It takes into account the economic and commercial activity, the value of the patrimony, the contributions and the consumption.
The data reported in the RUT are: name, identification number that can be a citizenship card for Colombians, a foreigner card or passport, address, email, telephone number and the economic activity that is carried out.
It is important to keep in mind that it is mandatory to update the information contained in the RUT whenever there is any change in the taxpayer's information, or in case there are regulatory changes arranged by the DIAN.
Failure to update can generate financial penalties. In addition, if it is not updated and tax statement is going to be presented, inconsistencies may be generated.
Taking into account the pandemic caused by covid19, DIAN has enabled the online system to obtain the RUT. The steps to follow are:
1. Enter the scheduling system and click on the button "Request Appointment" and record the required information:
a. Document type
b. Document number
c. Names and surnames
d. Landline
e. Cell phone
f. E-mail
g. Address
h. Residence department
i. City of residence
2. For RUT Natural and Legal Person procedures, you can request an appointment at any Contact Point in the country that has an agenda available, regardless of your municipality or city of residence.
3. Once the appointment has been assigned, you will receive a confirmation email, indicating the procedure, the service conditions and a link to identify the requirements, supporting documents and the email account of the contact point where you requested the appointment.
4. To the email account of the contact point where you requested the appointment, you must send the request for the procedure with all the supporting documents required, the same day of the appointment, at the latest, at the time it was confirmed the agenda.
5.The request must be sent from the email account reported in the RUT or from the one you reported in the scheduling
If you want to receive more information about how to obtain your colombian RUT, you can contact us here.
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