Continuing with our commitment and guidelines of the Integrated System and certification of Environmental Management 14001: 2015 to reduce the impact on our operations on the environment and on the prevention of pollution, we wanted to continue and transfer our ECO-LARM culture of “care and environmental Protection".
Through different activities and campaigns from home we are reviewing our habits of energy, water consumption and especially the management and final disposal of solid waste, “The inadequate management of waste is causing pollution of the world's oceans, obstructing the drains and causing floods, transmitting diseases, increasing respiratory conditions due to burning, damaging animals that consume waste, and affecting economic development, for example, by damaging tourism, "said Sameh Wahba, director of Urban Development and Territorial, Disaster Risk Management, and Resilience of the World Bank.
For these reasons and because of our commitment, on July 1st we launched our campaign "BOTTLES OF LOVE", it is a very simple activity that aims to introduce all the packages, wraps, envelopes into a plastic bottle and other plastic material generated in their homes to fill the bottle, afterwards all the bottles will be collected to take them to a collection center of a foundation where they will undergo a production process to be converted into plastic wood for the construction of houses for people in a vulnerable state or playgrounds for low-income schools or educational institutions.
With this activity LARM COLOMBIA, you want to contribute from home to take care of everyone's home: our planet. -ECO-LARM.
We invite you to implement this activity from home and with your family to put your grain of sand in caring for the environment.
If you want to receive more information about the “Little bottles of love” campaign, you can contact us here.