The virtual return to classes is already a reality, it is a call to ensure the health of the family, to avoid the spread of Covid-19.
We know that this new school start could bring some inconvenience for some homes, as it is a new process for both parents and children. Therefore, based on our experience, today we want to give some tips to make the virtual return to classes more bearable.
1.Have school supplies ready to be able to do tasks and projects.
You should have in your home basic materials that are used in the classroom such as colors, glue, scissors, pencils, eraser, blank paper, recyclable paper, markers, notebooks among others.
2. Get into the school routine; good habits.
Like everything in life, it is good to have discipline for each of our activities, good habits. Therefore, it is important to set the time to wake up, take a shower, eat, and study. It will be easier for you to adapt to the new reality of distance education if you follow a routine.
3. Choose a comfortable, motivating, pleasant place to work.
Choose a fixed place in the house where children feel comfortable and motivated. Make sure it is clean, tidy, and allows the children to concentrate.
4. Eliminate distractions.
The place that you have chosen as the study area must be free of distractions such as televisions, tablets, other computers, cell phones, windows, video games, among others. It is necessary that the focus of the children is exclusively on the virtual class they are taking.
5. Dress for class.
Part of the routine that has been adopted includes removing pajamas, taking a good bath, brushing teeth, and dressing comfortably for virtual classes. Then the body enters the state to be able to work and learn better.
6. Have water on hand.
Being in front of a computer can cause dehydration and a headache, so that it does not occur, it is important that children drink water and take active breaks in the middle of classes, so the eyes rest and activate the body. It's like recess.
7. Connect early to class.
It is important that they can connect 10 to 15 minutes before class so that they can check if there is any failure in the reception, internet, or access problem.
8. Make time for them to have fun.
Within the routine that you have created for distance education, add some leisure time. Spending all day at the computer learning can be exhausting. Set aside 30 minutes of leisure, of "active breaks", so that the children are relaxed and can return to learn with more enthusiasm. Likewise, and depending on the children’s temperament, it is recommendable to encourage some physical exercise before the classes to burn some energy.
9. Find out about the study topics in advance.
Among the things that we have perceived is that as parents we must be ¨well aware¨ of the study topics of our children since we will surely have to resolve some concerns immediately, facilitating the fluidity of the classes.
10. Do not forget that as parents we are educators.
Patience is the main quality of the educator and as parents we know it, making use of it and delivering the teaching with love is a magic formula that generates confidence so that children learn in a calm, safe way and have bases to be leaders.
11. Autonomy and independence.
Although we will be present and accompanying this distance education, the children must take responsibility for attending it alone. If they make mistakes, they will also learn from them and will handle their work better, you’ll see the progress.
12. Maintain fluid and independent communication with teachers.
Teachers are the ones who can best tell us how to support them and can detect our children’s progression needs in different subjects.
This communication must take place at a different time than the class.
13. Closing.
Like all the activities we do, they have a beginning and an end, the closing of classes is very important. Turning off the computer, changing places and activities is essential for children’s motivation to return the day after.
LARM your home away from home!
Key words:
Classes, Virtuality, Changes, Challenges, Relocation, LARM.
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