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Unique Registry for Venezuelan Migrants.

This is an initiative of the National Government in conjunction with the Special Administrative Unit for Migration Colombia, which seeks to regularize this entire population.

Migration Colombia estimates that by the end of 2021 more than 800,000 Venezuelan citizens will benefit from this new statute.

We will find some social problems that want to transform with this statute and that in this way the permanence within national territory for the Venezuelan migrant population is framed in regularity.



The Colombian population has the perception that the Government implemented the Statute so that this migrant population can vote in the popular elections. The Colombian population has the perception that Venezuelans are being given better opportunities than the Colombian population in terms of work, health and education.


  • The Temporary Statute of Protection counteracts the stigmatization in negative terms towards the Venezuelan migrant, since it will allow to fully identify those who commit crimes in the country.

  • With the Temporary Protection Permit, the Venezuelan migrant will be able to aspire to equal employment.

  • It allows us to know with certainty how many Venezuelan migrants there really are and what their needs are, in order to formulate real public policies to provide comprehensive care.


High costs in the care of Venezuelan migrants who are treated for emergencies.


  • Registration and contributions of the Venezuelan to the contributory or subsidized health regime.

  • Difference in costs between care for irregular migrants vs. migrants who are part of the contributory or subsidized health system.

  • Health prevention programmes.

  • Knowledge of the health needs of migrants.


The participation of Venezuelan citizens in criminal acts, especially in metropolitan areas, generates an increase in the perception of insecurity in the Colombian population. It is very difficult to identify migrant citizens in order to advance the judicial processes.


  • Characterization.

  • Full identification of the Venezuelan citizen.

  • Biometric Recognition.

  • Individualization.

  • With the Temporary Protection Statute we will be able to identify the Venezuelans who are in the department, which will facilitate the judicial processes. "Venezuelan who commits a crime in Colombia must be prosecuted in the country".

  • The Temporary Protection Statute counteracts the stigmatization of the Venezuelan migrant, since it will allow those who commit crimes in the country to be fully identified.

These are the great challenges that Migración Colombia has for this statute to be successful.

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Key words:

Protection, Data, Habeas Data , Support, Accompaniment, Relocation, LARM.

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